Free Coloring Page: Life Cycle of a Monarch Butterfly!


Hi Friends!

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I saw the first flutter of monarch butterfly wings last week. There’s something so magical about them. And there are so many fun facts about monarchs that continue to blow my mind!

To celebrate these wonderful winged things, I decided to illustrate the life cycle of the monarch butterfly and offer it as a free coloring page! This could be fun for a homeschool or classroom activity, summer camp, or a simple day spent outside with young naturalists!

I’ve only begun a deep love affair with nature… really, not until my mid-twenties. Over the last few years, I’m coming to see that we are not separate from nature - we are nature. And when we begin to understand that we are connected with all living things, we begin to care for and love them, no matter how big or small.

Inspiring kids to love nature can be as simple as prioritizing time outdoors, and learning more about the things we see along the way! I hope this coloring page can foster a greater appreciation for something as tiny as a monarch butterfly, while also fanning the flames of appreciation for something as large as Planet Earth!

Happy coloring!

- Devin

P.S. Comment below with any other nature-themed coloring page ideas! I’d love to offer a few others!

P.P.S. I also have another free coloring page to promote mindfulness!

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